Learn about Trauma-Informed Care and how itĀ can improve your life, work, and relationships.
Breathwork is one of my favorite tools to help clients (and myself) build...
As a trauma therapist, I know the language I use with my clients is key to...
As a therapist, managing my own dance with burnout is one of the...
We live in a chronically overstimulated world. For many of us, it is...
As humans, we are always changing and growing.
Using bilateral...
Bilateral stimulation is one of the ways we can help orient...
Sleep is one of the greatest tools we have at hand for healing.
Breathwork is one of the most accessible ways we can regulate...
Did you know that strengthening your vagal tone can help you recover from an...
Staying hydrated is essential for both our physical and mental wellbeing. It...
Did you know that getting your hands in the dirt can actually make...
Releasing tension is a key element to supporting sleep and reducing stress.