Trauma-Informed Care Tip: Hydration

trauma-informed care tips
Trauma-Informed Care Tip: Hydration blog image

Staying hydrated is essential for both our physical and mental wellbeing. It also can be an orienting and grounding tool for clients to come back to their bodies when triggered or dissociated. 

According to the National Institute of Health, dehydration can have impacts on our brain including effects on short-term memory, attention, mood and energy levels. 

As a therapist, I always have at least 2 beverages in front of me when seeing clients. It helps me come back to my body and feel nourished while I hold space for others. 

As a client, holding a warm cup of tea or sipping on a cold beverage can be a great way to focus on sensation, the body and present moment. These simple things can help to create a sense of safety and connection with our bodies. 

Pair this with some deep breathing and we are well on our way to a nervous system shift! These simple resources can go a long way. 

Also, just a reminder that it's the last week to sign up for my Level 2 Ethics of Trauma-Informed Care training this Friday from 2-4 pm EST!

You will receive a recording of the training if you'd prefer a self-paced option. Click here for more information! 

May we all love the life we live...

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