Trauma Informed Care Tip: Language

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 Trauma Informed Care Tip: Language blog image

As a trauma therapist, I know the language I use with my clients is key to helping them feel safe and empowered. 

Trauma informed language is all about invitation, allowing people to have freedom to explore their own experience without shame or expectation. 

When we invite someone to try something with their bodies, we allow them choice and agency - two key things that are taken away when someone goes through trauma. 

Making sure we give options and emphasize that if it doesn't feel right for that person's body, they can stop a practice at any time. 

Somatic tools are a key component to trauma recovery but each person has their own relationship and triggers within their body so invitation and curiosity is key. 

In my upcoming Ethics of Trauma Informed Care live webinar on April 29th, I will be providing a range of somatic tools and trauma informed practices to use with clients and on our own personal healing journey. 

Participants will receive 2 Ethics CEs through NASW-NC and will have lifetime access to the recording if you can't attend live. 

For more information on the course and to reserve your spot, you can click here. 

To receive weekly free trauma informed resources and tools in my newsletter, you can click here. 

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