Seek and Find the Light

During the winter months, many of us experience seasonal depression and it is important to find more light.
Whether that is being outside during the day, moving our desk to be in front of a window, using a sun lamp or keeping those holiday twinkle lights up - seek and find the light.
My favorite way is to stand in front of a window and let my face soak up the sunlight. I take deep breaths and open my eyes to let the light in.
To build and maintain a new habit, it's important to start small and build upon it. I invite you to consider committing to 2 minutes a day of finding light and soaking it up. This can even be focusing on a memory of a time that you soaked up the sun or had a moment of heartfelt connection and warmth with another being (person or animal).
Light can mean so many different things to each of us. Get curious about what can bring more light into your life and seek it out. There is no one quick fix to seasonal depression but finding the light can be a helpful piece of the puzzle to survive the winter and build resilience.
For a free video on Creating Connection During Uncertain Times, click here.
My next offering will be a Cozy Winter Workshop with Elizabeth Gillette on February 6th from 2-4 EST, where we will be combining the principles of attachment and somatic therapy to hold space for some deep rest and resilience building. We will focus on creating a sense of safety within and around us. To register, visit here.
May we all love the life we live…
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