Our Body Only Speaks Body Language

Our bodies are the vehicles that carry us through the world, for better or worse, till death do we part.
Learning how to read the signals coming from our body is the key to knowing what tools will support us the best.
Do you notice your shoulders are up to your ears?
Try rolling the shoulders in a circle and then shaking out the arms.
Do you notice you are holding your breath and clenching your jaw?
Try taking deep belly breaths, releasing the jaw and letting the teeth part with each exhale.
Research shows we must spend at least 20 minutes a day doing something that helps us complete the stress cycle. We must do this every day because we experience stress every day.
Exercise, deep breathing, a good cry and safe physical contact are all ways to help our body complete the stress cycle and return to a state of calm.
Learning how to complete the stress cycle is key to preventing burnout and building resilience. We can not just rationalize our way out of a stress response, we must move our bodies through it. Our bodies do not speak English, they only speak body language, so we must learn to talk to it.
Moving the body is one of the most effective ways to help the stress cycle complete and our nervous system to calm down. For a free video on how to release tension through movement, click here.
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This Sunday, February 6th is my virtual Cozy Winter Workshop where you can dive into practices to build safety, manage burnout and deeply rest. Click here for more information and to reserve your spot!
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