Sneaky Self-Care Tip 3: Energy Bath

I had an old professor in graduate school talk about times we might “get slimed”. Getting slimed is anytime you leave an interaction with someone and even though they might feel great but you just feel...slimed.
As a highly sensitive and empathetic person, I have spent my entire life trying to navigate what to do when I feel like I have been slimed. My absolute favorite tool to use for these moments is an Energy Bath.
An Energy Bath comes from a Qi Gong technique that can be used to move and discharge energy from the body. This can be practiced in between sessions, after a stressful meeting or exchange with someone.
To me, if I am sensitive enough to pick up on something, I am sensitive enough to release it. This reframe has been incredibly empowering for me on my own healing journey and I hope you find it supportive. To practice this tool with me, please check out this video of an Energy Bath practice.
If you enjoyed this tool, feel free to check out my upcoming online course, Self-Care for Social Workers! I have included over 4 hours of yoga, breathwork, mediation and somatic exercises for self-care to prevent burnout and build resilience!
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