Reclaiming Rest

We live in an overstimulating world and it can be a lot sometimes, especially as a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP). Finding ways to decompress and allow our nervous systems to “digest” is key to managing our stress and not burning out.
Often we think that zoning out on our phones or binge watching a show is “rest” but that is still requiring our nervous system to digest even more sensory input. True rest and decompression requires us to decrease the sensory input so that our nervous system can truly heal.
I like to consider the input vs output of sensory input in my day so I can better understand what I need for decompression time.
Some examples of decompression:
- Closing your eyes and taking 5-10 deep belly breaths
- Taking a bath with candles and relaxing music (or no music at all)
- Going on a walk or driving home from work without music on
- Listening to a Yoga Nidra meditation
- Restorative or Yin Yoga
- Turning down the lights or screen brightness in the evenings
- Sitting by a stream, creek or waterfall and just listening to the sounds
- Meditation
- Laying on the floor in silence when you get home from work
There are so many ways we can allow our nervous system to digest the sensory input from the day. Finding which tool will work best for you and then scheduling that time is key.
For folks with kids at home, it might be doing a short practice in the car before leaving work or before walking into the home.
We encounter stress every day so practicing these tools every day to decrease the stress response and help us move into that “rest and digest mode” of the nervous system is important to prevent burnout.
I hope you find these tips and tools supportive! For more free resources, you can join my newsletter by clicking here to receive more tools for increasing your resilience and managing stress.
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