Orienting for the Vagus Nerve

Orienting to the space we are in is an important tool to help stimulate our vagus nerve and calm the nervous system.
Our vagus nerve is always tracking our environment to create what’s called “neuroception” which is our ability to detect safety in our environment.
Intentionally turning our bodies and orienting to the space we are in can stimulate our vagus nerve, help us become more oriented into the present moment and help to build this neuroception and our vagal tone.
Identifying exits and parameters of the room and confirming what is behind us can help us feel more grounded, safe and present. After orienting ourselves, we can begin to take deep belly breaths to continue this calming of the nervous system.
Join me in this simple grounding and orienting practice to support the vagus nerve by clicking here to help feel safer in our bodies and our environment.
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