Trauma-Informed Foundations of Breathwork

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Breathing practices are a great sneaky self-care tool to use in our daily life to calm the nervous system and create a sense of safety within the body.

Developing these foundational breathwork techniques is an important step before practicing more advanced breathwork practices with clients.

It's easy to overlook the foundations of a new practice but if we slow down enough to assess and support any needs around breathing, breath retention, etc., we set someone up for success in the long run. 

Advanced breathwork practices, (like 4:7:8 Breathing) are highly researched and beneficial, but it's important to have a solid foundation of diaphragmatic breathing (aka Belly Breathing) first. 

In this weeks yoga video, I review the Trauma-Informed Foundations of Breathwork Practices. This practice helps to assess for breathing challenges that might impact a person's experience with breath retention and other advanced breathwork techniques.

You can use this practice at the beginning of your meditation practice, to start a session with a client and/or to ground at the end of the day.

​For this trauma-informed somatic tool and more, you can click here. 

May we all love the life we live...

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