Trauma-Informed Care Tip: Cues of Safety
Helping people track cues of safety is an essential component of trauma-informed care.
This can help someone identify what it feels like in the brain and nervous system when someone feels calm, safe enough, supported or connected.
Highlighting these cues helps someone identify what the tools, settings, relationships, etc. that bring a sense of safety to the nervous system, so we can seek out more of those experiences.
Some cues of safety signals can include:
- Feeling of warmth in the chest
- Shoulders or jaw softening
- Belly relaxing
- Noticing pleasant colors in the room
- Smelling things that are pleasant or neutral
- Feeling textures that are soft and comforting
These can become a guiding light for clients (and ourselves) when moving through the world. It can help us identify what it feels like to be resourced so we can seek out more of those experiences.
You can click here for my video on tracking cues of safety in our daily life.
For more trauma-informed tips and tools, and to join my Ethics of Trauma-Informed Care training series, visit
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