Neuroception & Polyvagal Theory

polyvagal theory
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Neuroception is our ability to assess risk, danger, and safety in our daily life. 

This assessment is below our range of consciousness, where our story follows our nervous system state. 

This is where we have an instinctive perception of what is happening around us, and then we make sense (or create a story) about it afterwards. 

When we use this concept in our daily life and relationships, we can help create a deeper sense of safety in these experiences. 

We can begin to listen to the cues from our body to understand our instinctive reactions to our experiences and relationships. 

We can consider how our body language, facial expressions, vocal tone, etc. might be sending cues of safety vs. danger to someone else. 

Bringing this awareness into our daily life and interactions can help others feel safe enough to connect, whether that is in our personal or professional relationships. 

For more trauma-informed tips and tools, join me for my Polyvagal Theory in Therapy Training on May 10thClick here to learn more. 

May we all love the life we live...

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