Let's Get Cozy
Let’s listen to nature and begin to deepen this time of slowing down, hibernation, and rest.
The more we can move inward, the more we learn and heal the pieces within.
Winter has always been a challenging season for me. Finding what things support me through this time has been key to my resilience during dark times.
A few of my favorite resources include:
Saunas, hot baths, long meditations, cozy cuddles, root vegetable meals, nourishing soups, warm teas, long naps, vision boarding and quiet introvert time.
For support leaning into this winter hibernation mode, I invite you to enjoy my Sleep Support Course!
This course gives a variety of breathwork, movement, mindfulness and science based activities to support sleep and reduce stress.
Click here to learn more and join!
Practice with me in the comfort of your own home.
May we all love the life we live…
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