Bilateral Healing: The Butterfly Hug

self-care tips

The Butterfly Hug is an EMDR technique that can be a grounding resource to help you orient to a space and reinforce a positive resource. 

Bilateral stimulation helps the brain process experiences and is something that our brain naturally does during deep states of REM sleep.

We can intentionally use bilateral stimulation to build upon this organic process in a way to move through an experience with more ease and freedom. 

Tapping, swaying, running, bouncing - these are all ways to support our mind and body to more effectively move through and complete the stress cycle. 
Every little bit counts, it is more about consistency than the quantity when starting a new habit. 

Click here for more free trauma-informed tips and tools and click here to join me this fall for my Ethics of Trauma-Informed Care trainings! 

May we all love the life we live…

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