60 Second Reset: The Vagus Twist

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The Vagus Nerve is like a radar system, detecting safety within our environments and relationships.

Trauma, stress and many other factors can impact how our vagus nerve functions in our daily life.

​If we understand how this nerve works, we can utilize it to better manage stress, deepen our connections in relationships and create a greater sense of safety in our life.

The Vagus Twist is one way to help the nervous system ground and orient to the present moment.

Combining this twist with a body scan and some deep breathing can help to calm the nervous system and complete the stress cycle.

You can practice this tool before you start a meeting, open your computer, pick up the kids from school, make a phone call, etc.

This will slowly but surely begin to shift our levels of awareness and response to stressors.

A drop in the bucket, continued over time, can make a big difference. If you enjoyed this practice, join me for more trauma-informed tips, tools and trainings!

May we all love the life we live…

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